List of Companies in Thaba-Tseka, Lesotho
Searching for businesses in Thaba-Tseka? Explore a directory of 23 companies located in Thaba-Tseka, Lesotho. Top companies in Lesotho, businesses near me.
We found 23 companies
Paray Hospital
P.O.Box 2, Thaba-Tseka
Paray Mission Hospital is a Roman Catholic Church Health Facility situated at the administration centre of Thaba Tseka District. It is under the leadership of the Archbishop of Maseru, run by the Sist...
1Mohale-Oa-Masite Lodge
Main St, Thaba-Tseka
Aim to give our guests unique hospitality in-terms of accommodation, food and leisure holiday events of a life time.
BOX 1147, Thaba-Tseka
We are the suppliers of all kinds of spices through out Thaba Tseka district and the surrounding locations. We give the best services through our friendly an professional staff.
Verified+7 Years with us
3Standard Bank
Kingsway Street, P.O.Box 99, Thaba-Tseka
Standard Lesotho Bank Limited provides banking services in Lesotho. The company offers various products and services, including transactional, savings, and investment accounts; home loans; foreign exc...
4Standard Lesotho Bank
P.O.Box 1053, Thaba-Tseka
Standard Lesotho Bank Limited provides banking services in Lesotho. The company offers various products and services, including transactional, savings, and investment accounts; home loans; foreign exc...